I have a ton of baking cookbooks. A ton. Anyway, I decided to go through each good baking cookbook/magazine that I own and look at all the sugar cookie recipes. Each one is different. Can you believe that? I decided to make a chart of each recipe and the quantity of the ingredients so I could look at all of them side by side. I'm sure that there is an easier way to do that, but I do a lot of things the old-fashioned way. I still write checks too. By comparing the recipes I decided to make the ones with the most butter. Butter=Deliciousness. Yes? Yes.

With there being a few too many recipes, I decided to pick two, test each one out, of course, survey them and see which was preferred. I used two different royal icings. I was feeling rather motivated at the time. But, after a whole day in the kitchen, finished with sweeping the pink sanding sugar off the floor, I was just beginning to think that maybe I bit off more than I could chew. By the time I was done, I had every step of my adventure all over my clothes. You would think I rolled around on my counters to clean up the mess!
I was pretty satisfied with the results. And, the gals at Zig Zag Gallery seemed to like them. I even got a few orders. Sweet. I won't be posting the recipes until I'm done with my sugar cookie rounds and the best has been chosen. If you absolutely must have it, then let me know. I believe that the suspense of waiting for the best cookie will be good for you!